Total Engineering for whole air control system is our business including the design,
the manufactureing, the installation, the commissioning and the qualification/validation.

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Come visit our booth at COPHEX 2017 !
Please visit us at Booth No. 10C115 for an informative introduction and demonstration of the latest pharmaceutical products and more !

‚PDSmart EB(TM) (Electon beam system)
@@Airex Smart EB(TM) is a state of the art sterilization system for surface sterilization of syringe tubs
‚QDContainment isolator
@@Airex containment isolators are all customized because of the diversity of needs among industries,
@@applications and users..
‚RDSuper Deconta(R) (HPG room decontamination system)
@@Airex Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Generator, Super-Deconta(R) is a reliable product, which can be
@@used for room decontamination.
‚SDAirex Smart glove tester(R) (Glove integrity tester)

April 18(Tue) ~ 20(Thu) Time: 10:00 - 17:00
April 21(Fri) Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Hall 10 Booth No. 10C115
KINTEX (Korea International Exhibition Center), Korea

h2nd INTERPHEX OSAKA in Medical Japan Osaka @@24-26, 2016h

The g2nd INTERPHEX OSAKAh is scheduled to be held at INTEX Osaka for 3days from February 24 (Wed) to 26 (Fri), 2016. We. Airex Co.,Ltd. are pleased to exhibit our products this time continuing the INTERPHEX Osaka and Tokyo last year thanks to your continued supports.
This is a very busy season for you, but we would like you to be sure to visit our booth.

In our booth, we can invite you to introduce a most updated world- wide Clean technology for Laboratories and/or Manufacturing processes for Pharmaceutical and Regenerative medicines fields titled as gAwareness as a challenger in the Front of Clean technology.h

Especially, since Japan have joined PIC/S the year before last, Appropriate GMP compliances to gSterilityh, gContainmenth, gSterility + Containmenth and gSterilization or Decontaminationh are becoming more and more highly required by the newly revised GMP regulations and guidelines. We would like to show you technologies associated with these trends.

1) Decontamination system using Hydrogen peroxide gas for aseptic rooms, H2O2 gas Room
@@decontamination system that is increasing the high popularity.
@@"Wireless Deconta(R)h from the gSuper Deconta(R)hseries will be exhibit.
2) Panel exhibition of the g3D Clean System(R)h that is an Isolator for sterility testing for both
@@Sterility and Containment.
3) Actual unit demonstration of a gSmart Glove Tester(R)h ,that is a wireless glove tester enable to
@@perform glove leak testing within a short time.
4) Newest model exhibition of gE-beam sterilization unit gSmart EB(R)hh as for the decontamination
@@system, which shows you our intention to challenge ourselves to be a manufacturer of the
@@world-wide standard equipment for syringe tub sterilization.
5) For Containment, gPowder transporting model enable to achieve an economical and high level
@@containment using Ezi-Dockh
in a gHard wall type containment isolator.h can be introduced.
@@Additionally, gSoft/flexible wall type containment isolatorh can be seen as well.
6) Our co-exhibitor ASAHI KOGYO Co.,Ltd will show you gFully automated HEPA filter scan testing
@@robot SR-I for an Isolator HEPA and SR-E for Exhaust air HEPAh
A And also our co-exhibitor
@@gAZBILh will demonstrate the operation of their gA Real time air borne particles detector of the
@@Instantaneous Microbial Detection (IMD-ATM)
7) gSINK DECONTAh can be also exhibited as a BSL effluent decontamination system for
@@Bio-drug manufacturing and/or Regenerative medicine fields.

As listed up in the above, we will show you a state-of-the-art clean technology for many processes in pharmaceutical and regenerative medicine industry widely from for sterility to for containment.
We will provide some more information to introduce you related equipment.

Booth number F 1- 5

œ SeminarF
DateF12F20`13F20 February 25 (Thu), 2016.
PlaceFExhibitorsf Presentation Venue I (INTEX OSAKA Hall 2)

A topic of gEdge of Aseptic+ Containment tech. The latest Isolator & RABS h will be presented.
Your attendance would be highly appreciated in advance. Incidentally, some presentation will be provided even in our booth as well in case by case.

hYou can learn our cutting edge new technology at the INTERPHEX Japan 2015 in Tokyoh

We, Airex Co.,Ltd, will exhibit our systems on the
gINTERPHEX JAPAN 2015, 28th INTfL PHARMACEUTICAL R&D AND MANUFACTURING EXP/CONFERENCEh held at the Tokyo Big Sight for 3 days from 1st July, 2015 to 3rd July, 2015.

In our booth, titled as the hSelf-Awareness as a challenger at the frontier for creating new Clean-room technologies including Aseptic, Containment, Sterilization and Decontamination,h we are going to invite you into the world of real State-of-the-art clean technologies in the world-wide research and manufacturing facilities for the fields of Pharmaceutical or Regenerative medicine.

You can see it in the following exhibiting products:

‚PDgWireless Decontag in a series of the gSuper Decontah of a Room decontamination device using
@@ Hydrogen Peroxide vapour; on actual display.
‚QDg3D Clean Systemh an Isolator for sterility testing and more by Display panels.
‚RDgSmart Glove Testerh of a Wireless glove leak tester; on actual display.
‚SDgSmart EBh of a newest E-beam sterilization system; on actual display.
‚TDgSINK DECONTAh of Bio-waste inactivation treatment system for BSL level effluent;
@@ on actual display.
‚UDA joint exhibit with ASAHI KOGYOSHA CO.,LTD.: gA Full Automated HEPA filter leak scanning
@@ robot of SR-I (for isolators) and SE-E (for exhaust air)h
on actual display, and, Also a joint exhibit
@@ with AZBIL Corporation :h Instantaneous Microbial Detection TMiIMD-ATMjhfor real time
@@ airborne microbial detecting as on actual display.
‚VDA gPowder transportation model using Ezi-Dock enable to achieve economical and perfect
@@ containmenth
equipped on a gRigid wall-type Containment Isolator.h as on actual display.
‚WDA gTelsterfs flexible-type containment isolatorh as on actual display.
‚XDThe world firstfs gSuper flexible isolator,h which equips a gGYOTEN PORT; Continuous access
@@ porth
on a gContainment isolator built in with both rigid and flexible wall partsh

Booth number F East 2 Hall 15-32

œ Seminar information of our presentation lecture:
Date@: 3th July, 2015. @12F20`13F20
Place : Exhibitorfs Product/Technology Presentation Venue EX-2

It would be great if you could attend our seminar by all means, where you can learn our presentation titled as gIntroduction of the front linefs technologies for Aseptic and Containment that includs newest isolator, RABS, Bio-decontamination and sterilization know-hows.h

@ @

hYou can see our system and products at the Exhibition ACHEMA 2015h

In the ACHEMA Exhibition from 15 to 19 June 2015, in Frankfort Germany, Airex will show you our products introductions including the company profile with excellent VTRs at a corner of the booth exhibited by Shanghai Tofflon Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

You can enjoy to see the following items:

1. Company profile.
2. Bio-decontamination system using Hydrogen Peroxide vapor.
3. Electron-beam sterilization system.
4. Wireless type Glove leak-tester for your Gloves Qualification/Validation.

Your dropping in our corner is more than welcome by all means !

The location is Hall 3.0 A25.
Booth information
Shanghai Tofflon Science and Technology Co., Ltd
(Hall 3.0, Booth A25)

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