HPG Decontamination System
(Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Decontamination System for Clean room)

Super Deconta(R)

Airex Super Deconta(R) system is specially designed for Clean room decontamination.
Accumulated data can optimize customized Cycle Development to insure 6 log reduction to keep the sterility of clean room.

*Mobile type

     1. Wireless communication among devices
     2. All Stain less steel material
     3. Separate Sensor Unit in order to monitor critical area
     4. SDM(R) Micro-Condensation Monitoring Sensor
     5. Cycle Development

1. Automatic operation.
2. Dedicated HPG generator for each unit
3. Each unit has its own tank
  (Exact amount of H2O2 can be checked)
4. Ceiling Built in system

(Super Deconta Monitoring)

Airex Successfully developed 'Micro level Condensation' monitoring sensor.
The real condensation value is monitored during process.
SDV (SDM Value) can be utilized Cycle development to optimize parameter setting.

SDM(R) is used for RABS or Isolator decontamination as well in order to optimize parameter setting.
Airex is No.1 consumer of B.I (Biological Indicator) in Japan which tells constant R&D and fully experience Cycle development for each project.