
(Sterile Process Isolator)

Airex-Sterile Isolators have been planned and designed based on lots of our Isolator’s deliveries and the experiences of which we are proud as No.1 in this industry in Japan, and it can maintain the sterility perfectly with decontaminating any surfaces bio-contaminants on the wall in the unit as well as on the test samples by using Hydrogen Peroxide gas.
This isolator makes microbial contaminations come from person or environment completely shut-out, and for sure it can keep your working area as an aseptic and air cleaned condition of grade A. Positive pressure is being always kept inside the isolator, meanwhile the sterile status is monitored at all times with several monitoring systems, recorders and the alarming system.
The bio-decontamination cycle can be operated full automatically including air leak testing.

*Sterility Test Isolator


*Isolator with Half Suit


*Isolator with Filling line

(Containment Isolator)

The Airex-Containment Systems have been applied in many powder handling processes , and have abundant experiences with the lots of delivery records as No.1 in the industry in Japan.
Negative pressure can be ensured to be maintained in any weighing containment booths or in isolators so that you can work with perfect safety.